Generic Storage

As a software developer you need a place to store your data. Normally you store data in database, but sometimes your program does not use database at all, but you need to store some data anyway, e.g. configuration. Typical solution for this is keeping the data stored locally in files. When you have the data locally in files then you cannot see or edit the files unless you have access to the files.

Generic Storage is a solution which solves this problem. It's a REST service and it can store basically anything. It can store plain text, JSON, XML, HTML, images, video, sound, etc.

The hierarchy of the data has three levels: application, subject and data entry; each identified by a key. When I store Zendesk - Visma Severa Integration's configuration, I am using "ZSI" as application's key, "Configuration" as subject's key and "ZendeskUrl" as data entry's key for storing URL of client's Zendesk. You can use them as you like, for example if you need to store data of different customers, then you could use application for customer's identifier and subject for subsystem.

If you are interested in purchasing this service, please contact. I have not decided the pricing model yet.

API Documentation

Show my data (requires sign in)